I'm playing
around with the idea of doing my index page as a web log. I'm thinking
about using Greymatter for it. Take
a look, and let me know what you think by adding comments.
Brand new
section about the Microsoft Solutions
Framework has been added. I did this for work and thought that I should
share the information. The look and feel will be modified soon.
about the long lost Pink Floyd song, In The
For a
preview of some good non-Navagator combatable JavaScript menu page ...
try it a http://www.echoes.com/index3.html.
For a nice
list of movies I've seen, with links to the IMDB and ratings, check out
the new movie page!
web site stats are available, as well as some longer
term stats.
years of planning... www.echoes.com
is now active! Small redesignes as well. Same great content...
Almost same circa-1996 design!
web site is now up and going with an episode
guide too!
New page
with links to all of my trading
lists and other handy pages about tape
trading. My list of videos
for trade is now available, as well as a trading list for TV
shows and movies.
version of my audio trading
list. Handy HTML version of the updates
happily still available.
A link
to my bookmark list!
Lots of music and tape trading links.
after months and months of work, my Top
25 CD list is finished.
Don't forget
to check out the alt.music.bootlegs FAQ.
Or have it mailed to you!
A new and
improved HTML version of Pink
Floyd CDs.
A big
list of Pink Floyd, OMD, and some other stuff I'm selling.
of shows I've been to!
A Day is a thesis I wrote my Junior year of college (1989). It is
history of American rock music festivals.
WorldWide Home Page