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10/22/2012 Entry: "Day 2: Gartner Symposium"

Today was the first real day of the Symposium. We made a critical error of watching the keynote on video from a different location. We missed some slides. Oh well. It was a day full of the Nexus of Forces: Cloud, Mobile, Social, Information (Big Data). It was also a day full of stuff going on back at the ranch, which was a distraction. We also had a lunch with an analyst that was just for some of the Blues. Oh, and I had a 30 minute session with an analyst. We talked Solaris, Aix, and Linux futures. It was pretty fascinating.

There's way too much walking between different buildings here. It's not that it's that far, but it's just kind of a pain. And sometimes 30 minute just isn't enough.

Tonight was the big expo on the show floor. There was just too much to see. Especially considering the food and drink were not good. We did spend some time with Cisco talking about their UCS platform (re: stuff going on back at the ranch). Afterwards we tried to find some food. EVERY place was packed. We finally found a place, where somehow I got gum on my dress pants. Nice. I can't seem to get it off easily. Who would have thought to travel with goo gone.

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