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04/12/2011 Entry: "Travel week days 5-6: Impact and a big DOH!"

Monday was day 1 of IBM Impact and the super secret stuff that I get to go to called, appropriately enough, Inner Circle. This is my 6th time at this event and I know the routine far too well. So with that in mind, nothing from a "work" perspective was that interesting. If anything, it's a little more relaxed this year and IBM does not seem to be splurging as much (which is fine really). So I learned new WebSphere-y type things during the day and had some 1:1 sessions as well. As usual, the home front (work) threw me some curve balls. For the first time I decided to skip the last session of the day and catch up on email and relax a bit before dinner. The connectivity from the hotel was so bad that I could barely get anything done. That did not make me happy. Dinner was a large group deal at Tao. Awesome as usual. Did some slots before and after. Down another $20.

While I was waiting for my alarm to go off this morning I decided to check the alarm to see what time it was. I was late. Really late. I called Angie for her birthday before anything else. And then I scrambled. On the way to breakfast I discovered that my BlackBerry did not charge overnight, so back to my room I went (after breakfast) to get some juice into him. So I was disconnected for a while. That was not good at all. Another busy day of sessions and just 1 special meeting. And my last session was cancelled so I came back to my room (and crappy internet connection) to catch up on things before the Impact event and a special party at Tryst. Last year leaving Tryst I invented the term "walking scotch". Who knows if I'll get to do that this year or not, but I'm dying to find out.

Tomorrow? Sessions. Inner Circle drinks/hors d'oeuvres and Jersey Boys. And then my 1am flight home, ending travel week. But the airport has WiFi so I'm sure I'll be able to post.

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