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[Previous entry: "OMD Live Architecture & Morality & More CD and DVD issues"] [Main Index] [Next entry: "David Gilmour Live In Gdansk -- Double Live Album and Concert DVD"] 06/22/2008 Entry: "Twitter RSS feed" I've been using Twitter for a few months now. I've been reading tweets in Outlook with RSS feeds. A few weeks ago the RSS feeds stopped due to their stability issues. So I started all sorts of Twitter apps. OutTwit is really the best for me since it integrates into Outlook, but it also stopped Outlook from closing. For a standalone program, I like Twitteroo but their notifications isn't that great. So finally I looked back into the RSS problem, which hasn't really been fixed. The problem is that the RSS feeds require authentication to use the Twitter API. What I failed to realize is that my Twitter email address and password is all that was need to authentication. I put that into Newsgator (my RSS reader) and it all worked! The format below should work if you RSS reader doesn't support authenitication. http://username:password@twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline/yournumberhere.rss