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12/23/2006 Entry: "2006 family year in review"

There's a nice picture to go along with this as well, but here's what the family and I were up to in 2006:

Alex’s Highlights:
* Dance, Dance, Dance
* Playing with Mr. Owen
* Flower girl for Craig’s and Jean Marie’s wedding
* Swimming at Uncle Monkey And Curt’s Pool
* Holiday Program
* Learning “stuff” (reading, Spanish, writing name)
* Turned 4 (she can now go on field trips)
* Labor Day Parade
* State Fair Twice, 1 “Fairdo” (big pink & purple glitter hair)

Owen’s Highlights:
* Sleeping through the night (3 months)
* Walking (by his birthday)
* Said Rabbit (with coaxing of his Grandpa)
* 1st Nickname: Nowen (No Owen)
* Swimming
* State Fair Food
* Overnights trips to WI
* Just milk for him – no more bottles
* Meeting Uncle David

Angie’s Highlights:
* Return of the Cocktail and Caffeine
* Reclaiming website from the dust bunnies of the internet
* Hill Murray group at Miss Bonita’s wedding

Adam’s Highlights:
* Saw 3 members of Pink Floyd
* Achieved World Perks Elite (again)
* Best Man for Craig
* Time off with Mr. Owen

New Technology:
* HTC Dash
* Nokia 6103
* Panasonic video camera
* Canon SD600
* Bluetooth headset
* Weedwacker
* Alex’s camera
* Tivo software upgrade: folders!

Retired Technology:
* Canon Video Camera
* Pentax Optio 555
* Motorola RAZR
* Nokia 3220
* Bottle warmer
* Bottle sterilizer

Favorite New Media:
* Significant Others (DVD)
* She Wants Revenge (CD)
* Pink Floyd Pulse (DVD)
* David Gilmour On An Island (CD)
* Tapes n Tapes (CD)
* OK Go (CD)
* Metro (magazine)

Trips (work and personal):
* Portugal
* San Jose
* Chicago
* Atlanta
* Raleigh
* Boise (4 times)
* San Francisco

* David, Lucy, Kris and Jo
* Jim and Lisa
* Aaron
* Stuart and Alex (late 2005)
* Dorothy

Best Reads of the Year
* The Iliad, Homer
* The Odyssey, Homer
* Comfortably Numb, Vernon Fitch

Worst Reads of the Year
* Clearing the Bases, Mike Schmidt
* Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition

Memorable New Foods and Drinks:
* Junebug cocktail
* White Truck wine
* Korean Beef in Lettuce (Bittman’s recipe)
* Salut’s asparagus
* Honey whole wheat twist pretzels
* Fruity Cheerios
* XS Energy Drink (Stephanie’s crack in a can)
* Homemade Infused Vodka

* Mark and Curt lost Bonnie this fall
* Jim and Kelly moving to SF
* Car was broken into and video camera stolen
* Apparent visit from outdoor vermin in our kitchen
* Adam’s never-ending cold
* Louis XIII Closing
* Multiple Volvo Window Replacements
* Locking keys in car in garage

2007: The Goals
* Enhance www.showcow.net
* See the people more
* Read Ulysses
* More affiliate marketing
* Video games for all!
* Keeping up on box crushing
* Keep indoor plants alive
* WERG (Well Established Restaurant Group) more

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Copyright 2001, Adam Stanley