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09/02/2005 Entry: "iPod mini to move to flash and color!"

According to ThinkSecret: Apple's popular iPod mini will pitch its hard drive and move entirely to solid state media, a move that sources familiar with the new design say will shave 20 to 25 percent off the size of the unit. The new iPod mini, which is currently expected to be introduced at Apple Expo Paris on September 20, will be available in three capacities: 4GB, 6GB, and 8GB. The iPod mini will sport dual NAND flash memory chips to achieve those higher capacities, and Apple has already locked in for the rest of the year a majority of Samsung's new 4GB flash modules. To further the size savings, the new iPod mini will sport a color screen that's slightly smaller than the current version. Sources say the screen will measure 1.467 inches, down from 1.67 inches, but will feature a higher resolution: 176 x 132, up from 138 x 110. It's likely, but uncertain, that the iPod mini's scroll wheel will also see a small reduction in size.

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I was disappointed that they came out with only 2 and 4gb versions. I might have gone for the 8gb

Posted by John D @ 09/12/2005 11:48 AM CST

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