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11/15/2003 Entry: "Pink Floyd reunite, non-publically"

According to Brain Damage:

STEVE O'ROURKE'S FUNERAL / PINK FLOYD REUNITE: The funeral service for Steve O'Rourke, who sadly passed away on 30th October in Miami, Florida, was held today at Chichester Cathedral in Sussex, England.

As part of the service, David, Roger, Richard and Nick put aside any differences, got back together as a band, and performed in tribute to the man who helped shape their career.

It is believed that they performed Fat Old Sun and Great Gig In The Sky, and that Dick Parry played the saxophone whilst following the coffin. A very fitting, and moving, tribute.

Update: Roger was not there at all. "It seems that Roger Waters did not even attend the funeral but his Manager Mark Fenwick was thought to have been in attendance. Fat Old Sun was in fact performed by David Gilmour and for Great Gig In The Sky he was joined by Nick and Richard." According to Brain Damage that is. Bummer....

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