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08/07/2003 Entry: "Web Monitoring and Aggrigation"

I've been using a variety of tools for year to email myself webpages. Each morning when I wake up I have about 10-20 web pages waiting for me... news, weather, TV listings, and selected content. I've put together a list of tools I've seen across the web. Right now I use some custom shell scripts and Web Secretary. The best thing about Web Secretary or the commercial version Track Engine is that it will email you just the new stuff or the new stuff highlighted. Major benefit. If you are really interested, let me know or check out the Web Secretary mailing list.

The best are

Savannah Project Info - Web Secretary
URLy Warning
Welcome to QuickBrowse

The rest

A.I.Studio Products WatzNew™ Your Personal Web Portal™
BOTSPOT Windows Tracking_Bots Web_Monitoring_Bots
changedetect change detect monitor changes detection web pages webpages
Check&Get - Smart Bookmark Manager. Check web sites for new stuff. Organize, search, sort your bookmarks and favorites. Delete
Core Java Technologies Technical Tips-VALIDATING URL LINKS
CRAYON.net - Create Your Own Newspaper
Create your own web agents -web macros- that automatically browse, extract and compile web content.
DiFf WeB Web change monitor - detect changes in web pages - filter and send email notifications
Freeware downloads Misc. Categories - Web Site Monitoring - WebAttack.com, we download it before you do!
Gathering Data from the Web - webpluck v2.0
Google Alert
MonitorTools.com - Network Monitoring Tools
shaman rss automailer
Shareware downloads Misc. Categories - Web Site Monitoring - free software trial downloads brought to you by WebAttack.com
TimelyWeb - web page and ftp update monitoring software.
WatchThatPage - Monitor web pages extract new information
Web Page Monitoring
WebMon Know when web pages change

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Copyright 2001, Adam Stanley