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02/04/2002 Entry: "Books, books, books."

I though that I should post an entry about the books I've been read. It took me a very long time but I finished IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation a couple of weeks ago. It was very difficult to read. Yes, it's a bit dry and reading about the Holocaust isn't fun, but personally I don't like reading about computers being used for evil. As a computer science major and a software architect, I found it particularly disturbing.

I've slowly been slogging through The Art of Strategic Planning for Information Technology, 2nd Edition. Again, dry. Interesting. I did however read the most intriguing sentence: The truly exceptional is most exceptional when it is when it is the ordinary. Good words to live buy.

Angie suggested that I read On The Road by Jack Kerouac. Incredibly vivid imagery. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The beats were not quite as wild by today's standards, but for the early '50s I can see how it would be an odd book for most people to read.

In the queue is The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer. I was planning on starting it this past weekend, but it didn't happen. Yesterday I plowed through The Rational Unified Process, An Introduction and tonight I'm trying to cram down Building Web Applications with UML.

And that is the book report.

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